
This is a logo design for a personal trainer & kickboxing instructor.

The brief was for a ‘badass’ logo with a feeling of action, strength, power - you get the idea... The logo ended up being a custom typography process.
Below is the final design, which ended up being two versions - a main ‘stacked’ logo, and a simpler ‘inline’ companion logo for use in certain situations, as well as a ‘Team Braun’ logo variation. There were also two colourways - red & gold, and red & silver as well as all black and all white for use in clothing and merch:

My first step is always rough prototyping or ‘brainstorming’ which involves quick, rough sketching coming up with form ideas, which I then begin to develop the ideas we liked:


The above concepts were what we decided to start developing, so I started work refining the concept on the computer:

Then I started to refine the text, going for a less rounded and more angular form to the letters, and it was around this time we decided to use two versions of the logo, as we liked the idea of the rectangular and thinner ‘inline’ versions as we called it. Also I was still developing ideas for the ‘end pieces’ to the main logo:

At this point there are a lot of different things being developed, the actual form of the letters themselves, the spacing, whether the end parts are attached or joined, as well as various concepts for the design of the end pieces and the coloured elements. Lots of minor iterations and tweaks are what this development stage is all about!

Now we were getting close, and just needed to make some decisions!

Below are some mockups of the inline version in use on Instagram images:

Next it was time to finalise the end piece design and start working on the colours. I went for a red and black/grey initially as it is bold, modern, agressive, and implies energy, action etc, it is just a case now on defining the actual hues that will work best on both dark and light backgrounds and help the logo stand out:


Again, this is a case of minor changes trying to find the perfect colour hues. I also at this point decided to throw the red and gold in as a curveball possibility!


Then I tried an idea of lifting the red end pieces above the horizontal to give the logo a bit more impact, energy & aggression:

After some colour/form decision making and a request from the client for an additional logo in the style of the inline logo with the wording ‘Team Braun’ we were pretty much there:


Below are some examples of the logo in use on images and some T-shirt mockups: